Taichung Metro: Unique Soundscapes Enhance Your Travel Experience

BaoDao Talk Blog


Taichung Metro: Unique Soundscapes Enhance Your Travel Experience

Taichung Metro: Unique Soundscapes Enhance Your Travel Experience
Explore Taiwan

# Get to know Taiwan

Taichung Metro has introduced exclusive entry and exit music, alongside unique turnstile sound effects mimicking the calls of seven common local birds. This creative sound design not only enriches the auditory experience but also emphasizes Taichung Metro’s commitment to environmental protection and ecological connection.

Birdsong Turnstile Sounds: A Symphony of Nature

Instead of the typical "beep" when entering or exiting the metro gates, passengers will hear the melodious calls of the White-breasted Waterhen, Light-vented Bulbul, Crested Goshawk, Japanese White-eye, White-eared Sibia, Taiwan Barbet, and Collared Owlet. These sounds, crafted using Foley techniques and electronic synthesizers, fall within the 2000 to 3000 Hz frequency range, making them pleasing to the human ear while avoiding disturbance to real birds.

Promoting Ecological Awareness

Each station features information about the bird species represented by the turnstile sounds, strengthening the connection between urban and natural environments. This initiative not only provides a unique auditory experience but also educates passengers about local wildlife and encourages environmental protection.

Special Music for First and Last Trains

Taichung Metro has collaborated with renowned musicians to create music for the first and last trains of the day. The first train music, composed by award-winning Hou Zhijian, features bright elements to start the day on a positive note. The last train music, by Wind Music composer Chen Yiting, offers a soothing melody to accompany night-time travelers.

Festival Music: Celebrating Taichung’s Cultural Heritage

During festive periods, Taichung Metro plays specially curated Jazz and New Year music. The Jazz music, crafted by Zhou Yuecheng, captures the vibrant spirit of the Taichung Jazz Festival. The New Year music by Chen Yiting combines traditional Chinese instruments to create a lively atmosphere, enhancing the festive spirit for passengers.

Blending Music with Urban Life

In the bustling urban environment, Taichung Metro’s soundscape art aims to enhance the quality of life and cultural experience for its citizens. This meticulous sound design not only improves the auditory experience but also fosters emotional connections among passengers.


Taichung Metro’s innovative use of sound, from birdsong turnstiles to special train music, offers a unique and enriching experience for passengers. By blending nature with urban transit, it promotes ecological awareness and enhances the cultural fabric of the city.

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