Explore Sun Moon Lake by Bike: A Comprehensive Guide

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Explore Sun Moon Lake by Bike: A Comprehensive Guide

Explore Sun Moon Lake by Bike: A Comprehensive Guide
Explore Taiwan

# Get to know Taiwan

Cycling in Taiwan offers a delightful experience, from small alleys to coastal roads and countryside paths. Sun Moon Lake, nestled in the heart of Taiwan, provides an exceptional cycling adventure surrounded by picturesque mountains and serene waters. Recognized by CNN as one of the world’s top ten most beautiful cycling routes, Sun Moon Lake's bike paths offer an unforgettable journey.

Types of Bike Routes Around Sun Moon Lake

1. Sun Moon Lake Circumference Route(環潭自行車道) Distance: Approximately 30 km Duration: About 3.5 hours Highlights: This route circles the entire lake, offering panoramic views of the water and surrounding mountains. Starting from Shuishe Visitor Center, you can pass landmarks like Wenwu Temple, Peacock Garden, and the Youth Activity Center.

2. Shuiwatou to Sun Moon Lake Ropeway(水蛙頭至日月潭纜車站) Distance: About 2 km Duration: Approximately 10 minutes Highlights: A short yet scenic route that takes you from Shuiwatou to the Sun Moon Lake Ropeway, perfect for a quick, enjoyable ride.

3. Xiangshan Visitor Center to Shuishe(向山遊客中心至水社) Distance: About 3.4 km Duration: Approximately 30 minutes Highlights: This section offers stunning views and is ideal for those who prefer a leisurely ride.

4. Water Bike Path(水上自行車道) Highlights: This unique section of the bike path allows you to ride on a boardwalk over the water, offering breathtaking views of the lake, Hanbi Peninsula, and Ci En Pagoda. It’s a must-visit for its serene beauty and close proximity to the water.

Other Notable Bike Routes Near Sun Moon Lake 5. Jiji Green Tunnel(集集自行車道) Highlights: Famous for its lush, green canopy, this route runs parallel to a railway line, providing a peaceful and scenic cycling experience. It’s perfect for history enthusiasts and nature lovers.

6. Puli Township Bike Path(埔里自行車道) Highlights: Puli is known for its charming rural scenery and cultural richness. The bike path here offers a slow-paced, relaxing ride through the countryside, allowing you to soak in the natural beauty and local lifestyle.

7. Shuili and Checheng Bike Path(水里溪、車埕自行車道) Highlights: This route follows the Shuili River, offering views of the Shuishui Bridge, the historic Checheng Old Street, and the vibrant landscape of Shuili Township. It’s a great way to explore the historical and cultural heritage of the area. Xiangshan Visitor Center

Tips for Cycling Around Sun Moon Lake

1.Respect Pedestrians: Always give way to pedestrians, especially on shared paths.

2.Follow Traffic Rules: Some sections of the bike paths cross regular roads, so obey traffic signals and stay alert.

3.Safety Gear: Always wear a helmet and other protective gear. Ensure your bike is in good condition before starting your ride.

4.Route Conditions: Be cautious on downhill sections, especially around Xiangshan and Wenwu Temple, as the slopes can be steep. Bike Routes Around Sun Moon Lake


Cycling around Sun Moon Lake offers a perfect blend of adventure, relaxation, and stunning scenery. Whether you're looking for a short, scenic ride or a more challenging route, Sun Moon Lake has something for every cyclist. Plan your trip, follow the guidelines, and enjoy the breathtaking views and cultural richness of this beautiful area.

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